Darkest dungeon best team for swine prince
Darkest dungeon best team for swine prince

darkest dungeon best team for swine prince

A real shame since I was LOVING the game up until then.

darkest dungeon best team for swine prince

Not sure if I lost all my trinkets also (probably) and I don't think I can play again. It was basically a joke and I just completely quit the game. All heroes took around 8-9 damage and more like 13-14 if it was a crit. Also he got almost as many crits as he did stuns. I couldn't even stun the boss because of 100% stun resist. Like 80% of the time my heroes were stunned, even though they get stun resist after being stunned, it didn't matter at all. I had armour upgrades (lvl 1 or 2) and skill upgrades and I think the most turns anyone in the party had was 2. Then the Swine Prince boss came and pretty much perma stunned me for the 6 or so rounds I survived for. I very easily cleared all the dungeon but the final room, I didn't even need to camp but I did anyway just to reduce stress. The healer had a 20% extra heal trinket and other amazing trinkets for the rest.

darkest dungeon best team for swine prince

I had 2 tanky front liners both with 40% healing trinkets. My party was amazing, probably not the best combination at all, but still extremely good.

Darkest dungeon best team for swine prince